What is Auto-Clustering. Out-of-Box Clusterization for Databases and Application Servers

4 min readDec 4, 2020


In the modern world, the importance of data availability cannot be underestimated. Herewith, you want to maintain immediate access to any required information at a moment’s notice. Thus, for any production solution of any meaningful size, it is highly recommended to configure a cluster. Software clustering is the technique of using at least two instances for a service. Such redundancy not only provides reliability (the system can withstand a failure of at least one instance) but also helps to handle high load.

Based on the experience, the configuration of a cluster can be a challenging process that requires quite a lot of time investment. In order to help you out, Jelastic PaaS automates some of the most popular clusterization solutions and can perform them for you on-demand directly from topology wizard. Such automation immensely simplifies and speeds up the creation of a reliable production-ready cluster for your project.

Enabling Auto-Clustering

Currently, the following templates support the Auto-Clustering feature via the topology wizard:

Tip: In addition to the Auto-Clustering option in topology wizard, a number of prepackaged clusterization solutions can be found under the Clusters category of the Jelastic Marketplace.

1. Select one of the listed stacks in the topology wizard. The appropriate Auto-Clustering switcher will be available in the central part of the frame.

2. You can hover over the hint icon for additional information on this particular stack auto-clustering implementation. Within the description, you can find the Learn More link to documentation with a more extensive overview.

3. Also, after enabling Auto-Clustering, some additional configs can appear for further customization of the cluster. For example, MariaDB auto-cluster allows to choose replication Scheme and add dedicated ProxySQL load balancer exclusively for this database cluster:

Additional Materials on Auto-Clustering

Jelastic PaaS provides extensive documentation, multiple blog posts, and dedicated GitHub pages on the Auto-Clustering topic:

Get your own reliable production-ready cluster out-of-box for maximum uptime and performance using Jelastic PaaS at the preferable hosting service provider.

